Monday, April 15, 2013

Jan / Feb 2013 - Sports!

The new year arrived and the boys got it off to a good start with a lot of sports and other fun activities.

2013-01-20 094

Collin tries on his gamer dad's gear

2013-01-20 099

Valentines' Day  and in introduction to chocolate

A return to the Discovery Green ice rink, and Dad finds Adam one year later taller, heavier, and somehow less stable

Collin practices his footwork until Adam swoops in for the steal

Collin traverses the cargo nets

2013-01-20 033

2012-11-29 097

The best of friends

2013-01-20 035

Every busy athlete needs a break to rehydrate

2013-01-20 039

The train fascination continues unabated

A possible jump rope situation turns into a half-lap of chase

2013-01-20 044

Checking out the fire station

2013-01-20 047

Making friends with Mr. Fireman

Big brother helpfully adds the turbo to Collin's ride

2013-01-20 070

2013-01-20 051

Happy Birthday Dad/(me)!

2013-01-20 057

2013-01-20 061

2013-01-20 068

Yarn in the hands of a young boy -  this is what happens

The brothers Sobczak put in some work at the practice tee and Collin goes 2 for 2

Adam ups his slugging percentage

2013-01-20 092

Lovely mommy

2013-01-20 093

Soccer ball fail and bail (at the end)

Everybody gets in on the play

Working some more on the swing mechanics