Wednesday, May 23, 2012

April 2012 Easter fun

Easter get-together at our house,  plus had good friends the McGuires over for some kiddy soccer in the backyard.  April finally capped off by a trip to Baton Rouge to catch up with extended family on the Chow side, including Adam and Collin's great-grandma.

2012-04-05 005

Big smile -  his big brother must be nearby

Gung Gung and Colllin laughing it up

2012-04-08 004

Pretty Evelyn watches over Collin

To Collin,   Adam is the coolest

2012-04-08 022

The Bartsch ladies enjoy Easter at the Sobczak house

Easter lunch and everyone saying hello to Poh Poh and the camera

2012-04-08 028

Adam hoards his Easter finds

Adam runs the field

2012-04-13 008

Dribbling upfield, caught in motion

2012-04-13 013

Olivia gets a helping hand

2012-04-13 015

Practice practice makes perfect

2012-04-20 004

Poh Poh shows off grandson # 2

2012-04-21 003

Sweet potato time

2012-04-23 005

Collin, say hello to Bonsai!

2012-04-25 003

Dinnertime grin

Collin chomps down on the texture ball

2012-04-26 001

Brothers hangin' out

Obsession with bright lights and sounds continues

2012-04-27 002

The kids with Great Grandma,  Poh Poh & Gung Gung

2012-04-27 003

Mommy and Daddy step in for a picture

2012-04-27 004

Uncle Jimmy gets into a photo with brother and mom