Skills, Motor:
- full-fledged walking (and near-running) champ
- discovered the awesomeness of playing with balloons, both helium and carbon dioxide filled
- fishtailing expertly around corners on his tricycle (parent-pushed)
- starting to work on his intro-level parkour skills by climbing on gates, chairs and couches
- plays 'human trampoline' with mom & dad by clambering atop the upper torso and gleefully bouncing up and down
- swings his arms, initiates rump-shaking and gets in the groove when he hears music a-playin'
- can wield a mean (plastic) fork to spear dinner bits and make the move from tray to mouth
Skills, Biological:
- Teeth count: six! (four upper, two lower). his is officially a toothy smile
Skills, Expressive:
- honors Native American culture by making the "ba-ba-ba" palm-rapidly-on-and-off-the-mouth-making-sounds sound.
- developed a fairly disarming laughing smirk
"da-da" (pater familias)
"ma-ma" (mater familias)
"po po" (Chinese babyspeak for 'carry me')
"paw paw" (Chinese babyspeak for 'grandma')
"dun dun" (Chinese babyspeak for "light")
"No" (the universal expression)
"down" (i don't want to be this elevated anymore)
"ni ni" (Chinese babyspeak for "milk")
- knows how to "sek sek" (kiss) loved ones
- can use baby sign language for "more" and "no more"
- actively points to let you know where you need to be taking him next for further investigation
Skills, Eating:
- distinct favorite food choice: any type of berry. he'll go seriously chipmunk with some blueberries
Skills, Manners:
- understands "put on your shoes" and will sit down in your lap to let you put them on him
Skills, Educational:
- starting to go to his chair and desk set to "read" books
Happiness is a young baby and his red balloon
Walking and Waving a Balloon Simultaneously
Horseytime fun
Easter treasure hunting, in clever disguise